For all of you who have loved a furry friend. This place they call home now is Rainbow Bridge and someday we will all meet again. Until then....

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mac Our CockerSpan.

This face belongs to Mac our dog. He has been very sad since our Bee Bee Girl (German Shepard) past over to Rainbow Bridge September 16th. They were best friends and had been together since both were baby pups. So Mac is just lost without her here anymore. We are all giving him extra attention but he is very sad. He is 16 years old ( same age as Bee Bee) so I am concerned he won't come back from this emotionally. But we will continue to let him know how much we all love him, and he is important to us. Our furry friends are family and they need us as much as we need them. Until later this week..signing off for now. Love JudyBug  Give your furry friends lots of hugs 

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Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow Bridge
A Place They Call Home


Always In Our Hearts

Furry Friends

Furry Friends
Always Loved