For all of you who have loved a furry friend. This place they call home now is Rainbow Bridge and someday we will all meet again. Until then....

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Homemade Pumpkin Bacon Dog Treats

Homemade Pumpkin Bacon Dog Treats

Yield: number of treats will depend on size of cookie cutters used


  • 2/3 c. canned pumpkin
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 c. creamy peanut butter
  • 1/2 c. packaged crumbled cooked bacon pieces
  • 2 -1/3 c. whole wheat flour


Preheat oven to 350°F.
In a large bowl, beat the pumpkin, eggs, and peanut butter with an electric mixer on medium speed until smooth. Beat in bacon. Beat in flour. If needed, add another tablespoon or two of flour until dough is no longer sticky. On a lightly floured surface, roll dough to 1/4" thickness. Cut into shapes with cookie cutters. We used a variety of small and medium to large sized cutters as shown, but Tessa prefers the smaller sizes to share with her dog friends. Place dough shapes 1" apart on ungreased cookie sheets. This dough barely spreads when baking. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until crisp and lightly golden. Transfer to wire racks to cool. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 month.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

10 Smartest Dog Breeds

10 Smartest Dog Breeds 

The Smartest Dog Breeds

There are dozens of smart dog breeds out there, some more popular than others. In general, any dog that performs well as a working dog or service animal can be considered a very intelligent dog.  This list covers 10 popular dog breeds that are often considered the most intelligent.
Dog in Wheat field - PK-Photos / Getty Images
PK-Photos / Getty Images

10.  Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is among the world's most popular dog breeds and one of the friendliest dogs around. On the surface, the breed may seem goofy, but a Golden can learn to do just about anything. Its intelligence and love for people make this breed one of the best for work as a service dog. The Golden also excels in all kinds of dog sports. The breed makes an excellent companion for almost any kind of household.
Honorable mention goes to this breed's "cousin," the Labrador Retriever, which shares many of the same traits as the Golden. More »
Jack Russel dog - Helaine Weide / Getty Images
Helaine Weide / Getty Images

9.  Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier seems to be missing from many "smart dog breed" lists. Perhaps it is because this clever little dog moves too fast to be noticed by some. The Jack Russell, along with the closely related Parson Russell Terrier, is a fearless, energetic dog with a sharp wit and a stubborn streak. There's no fooling this little terrier. Good luck trying to stop this dog from getting what he wants.
Because of their energy and brain power, JRTs and PRTs excel at dog sports like agility and barn hunt. Their desire to keep moving can make training challenging at first, but rewarding once you see how well these dogs can perform. More »
Headshot Of Rottweiler - Julian Popov / EyeEm / Getty Images
Julian Popov / EyeEm / Getty Images

8.  Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is one of those dogs that really knows how to read people, often showing a different side of its personality based on how much the person is trusted. The typical Rottie has an affectionate, playful side shown to trusted family members and a stoic, controlled side shown to strangers. These dogs have no trouble telling you what they really think about you and whatever you're trying to do. Don't try to pull a fast one on them or the people they protect.
Once you are in the Rottie's inner circle, you can form a deep relationship. They can be trained fairly easily once you earn their trust and get past their headstrong ways. Rottweilers can learn to perform many actions and will always keep an eye on the environment to make sure everyone is safe.  More »
Papillon - Rich Legg / Getty Images
Rich Legg / Getty Images

7.  Papillon

Don't be fooled by the delicate frame of the Papillon. This is more than a lap dog. In fact, the Papillon is one of the smartest of all the toy breeds. This breed is friendly, alert, and active. It might snuggle on your lap for a bit, but before long, the Papillon will be looking for something interesting to do.
Like many small dogs, the Papillon has a bit of a stubborn streak. However, if you can make training worth his while (find the rewards he likes best) then he will learn quickly. Teach this cute little dog a variety of fun tricks and you'll impress your friends! More »
Glamor shot - mccun934 / Getty Images
mccun934 / Getty Images

6.  Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland Sheepdog is smarter than you might think at first glance. At times, the breed is misjudged as aloof. The Sheltie is sometimes quiet and graceful; other times it is energetic and playful. Independent and wise, the breed is always watching its environment and waiting for a signal from you. This breed is very good at reading people and often tunes into their personalities.
Shelties are eager to learn and please. Their sheepdog roots make the breed very driven and responsive to its surroundings. Shelties form close bonds with their owners and are extremely responsive to training.
Honorable mention goes to the Collie, a close relative of the Sheltie that has similar intelligence. More »
Close-up of German Shepherd against green background - Serega / Getty Images
Serega / Getty Images

5.  German Shepherd Dog

The German Shepherd Dog might be too smart for its own good. This loyal, protective breed has so much energy and intelligence that it sometimes acts high-strung or anxious. The GSD thrives when given an important job to do. It may be something as simple as "supervising and protecting" the children that gives a sense of purpose to this breed. However, the GSD needs plenty of mental stimulation and exercise in order to thrive.
Many GSDs find their calling by working with police or military operations. They can learn most actions in just a few steps. Once trained, GSDs will do what you ask and then look for the next task to perform. More »
Australian Cattle Dog, portrait - Verena Scholze / Getty Images
Verena Scholze / Getty Images

4.  Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog is an extremely focused and driven dog breed that forms a close bond with its owner. The ACD was bred to herd cattle, so the breed lives to work. Like most intelligent dog breed, the ACD is happiest with a job to do. Without it, and the ACD will find ways to keep busy that you might not like (often destructive behavior or wandering away to explore).
Treat your ACD well and the two of you will be friends for life. These dogs love to stick close to their owners and make sure everything is running smoothly. Like most smart dogs, they are very good at reading people. More »
Chocolate poodle poses by a bookshelf - Amanda McGlothlin / Getty Images
Amanda McGlothlin / Getty Images

3.  Poodle

Despite its fancy or even "prissy" appearance, the Poodle is a highly intelligent dog. Toy, Miniature, or Standard in size, this breed is gifted with some of the best canine brain power. The Poodle originated as a hunting dog and continued to be a diligent worker and trusty companion.
Poodles are often seen as performing animals, especially the smaller ones. You can teach a Poodle to balance on a ball, jump through a hoop, or do a wide range of other actions. More »
Australian Shepherd - Kim Partridge/Partridge-PetPics / Getty Images
Kim Partridge/Partridge-PetPics / Getty Images

2.  Australian Shepherd

One of the world's most intelligent dog breeds, the Australian Shepherd is brilliant, active and friendly. Its background as a sheepdog has made this breed a diligent worker that desires physical activity and mental challenges. The Aussie will learn much faster than you expect and be quickly ready to move onto something new.
Aussies need to be kept busy with work or they become bored and frustrated. Dogs sports are ideal for this breed, especially those that engage the Aussie's natural athletic ability. More »
Border collie in a summery field of buttercups - Photos by R A Kearton / Getty Images
Photos by R A Kearton / Getty Images

1.  Border Collie

The Border Collie is perhaps the smartest of all dogs. If most dogs have the intelligence of the average two-year-old, then a Border Collie might be as smart as a four-year-old. Extremely energetic, athletic, and driven, it seems that the Border Collie is always up for learning something new (much like the Australian Shepherd). In fact, if you don't keep this breed constantly moving, learning, and working, he will find his own way to keep busy.
Border Collies can perform just about any job you can give them. However, they love work that keeps them moving and using their brains at the same time, just like their sheepdog histories prepared them to do. The Border Collie is the overachiever of the canine world. This breed excels at just about everything, including dog sports. More »
Which Dog Breeds are the Smartest?                                                                             

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