For all of you who have loved a furry friend. This place they call home now is Rainbow Bridge and someday we will all meet again. Until then....

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

November Blessings

Wishing you all a blessed Autumn Season and many blessings in November.

8 pet safety tips for Halloween!

8 pet safety tips for Halloween!

Halloween is a fun and exciting time for families and children but can be extremely scary for pets. Here are a few tips from the Louisiana SPCA on how to keep your pet safe and stress free this Halloween!
Adoptable dog in a Halloween costume
  1. Candy is for your children with two legs, not four! Chocolate and candies can be toxic to your pets so be sure to keep that candy bowl out of your pet’s reach.
  2. Only dress your pet in a costume if they enjoy it! If your pet clearly dislikes being in a costume don’t force them to wear one; it can cause undue stress.
  3. If your pet is going to wear a costume, make sure it doesn’t restrict their ability to move, see, breathe, bark or meow. Equally important, make sure there are no small pieces on the costume that your pet can chew off and swallow.
  4. Thinks like pumpkins and corn can give your pet a stomach ache. Although these edible items are non-toxic, they can certainly make your pet uncomfortable if ingested.
  5. Bring all pets indoors before the trick-or-treating begins. Outdoor cats and dogs left in the backyard can fall victim to Halloween pranks.
  6. Keep your pet away from the front door and the trick-or-treaters. With so many strangers coming to your door, this will help keep your pet’s stress level down and reduce the chance of your pet running away.
  7. Keep pumpkins with candles, wires and cords from holiday decorations out of your pet’s reach.
  8. Make sure your pet has proper ID tags and is microchipped in case they get separated from you!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Dog Body Language Charts You’ll Love

Dog Body Language Charts You’ll Love 

A Dog Body Language Chart will help you learn all the critical signs of your furbaby. See what they are really trying to say to you …

Dog Body Language Behaviour 
Do you know how to tell if your dog is stressed? Loud noises, a new environment or even our own busy lifestyle can stress out our pets.
Excessive barking, trembling, raised hackles, lowered ears, shedding fur and even aggression are all signs that your dog is feeling stressed.
Dog Behavior 
It’s very easy to overlook basic signals or even misinterpret them. Once you have an understanding of how your furbaby behaves, you will both have a better relationship and happier life.
A Dog Body Language Chart is a great place to start and we’ve included a number of versions that will give you great insights. We’ve also included how to read your cat’s body language and the safest treats to feed your dog.

Jacquie Lawson Cards

Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow Bridge
A Place They Call Home


Always In Our Hearts

Furry Friends

Furry Friends
Always Loved